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Accept Pre-Registrations with card on file

Allow people to hold or reserve their registration with a card on file that you can review approve and charge later. Great for screening

Ashley avatar
Written by Ashley
Updated over 11 months ago

Pre-registration allows people to sign up for your event, but not have their credit card charged until you approve them. This is often used in cases where there is a chance your event might not take place, possibly due to weather or permits, etc. Or, if you'd like to have an application type process where you personally review and approve people prior to accepting and completing their registration and having their card charged.

Pre-registration also saves you the time and effort of refunding everyone if the event were to not take place.
When you use Pre-Registration, your registrants can submit all the information and put a credit card on file to be charged if and when you approve them.

When a registrant submits a pre-registration, their registration will be assigned a Pre-Registration status. The registrant's card will be charged when you decide to approve (complete) the registration on a date of your choosing. Or, you can approve / complete manually one by one.

Feature Pricing: $0.99 per pre-registration. You will be asked to put a credit/debit card on file (if you haven't already). That card will be charged once every 30 days for the number of people who pre-register during that timeframe. When you complete a pre-registration the registrant's card will be charged and the payment processor will charge their fee.

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Enable Pre-Registration

  • From the Pages screen, click the pencil icon on the page you'd like to enable Pre-Registration on

  • Scroll all the way down to the Billing Information section and hover your mouse over the Payment Method field and click the pencil to edit

  • Toggle Allow Pre-Registration to On

  • Click the Done button

NOTE: You can customize the label name and the Pre Register label as well. Maybe you are doing applications and you'd prefer for it to say Apply or something else

Customize Pre-Registration messages

  • To customize the message that will appear to registrants when they choose to Pre-Register and also what will appear on their confirmation - From the builder you'll hover your mouse over Settings in the top menu bar

  • Select Pre-Registration from the dropdown

  • Update the messages to be whatever you prefer

Registrant Experience

A registrant visit your event registration page and fill out all of the required registration data and billing information. They would select Pre-Registration in the billing section. Our system will perform a $1 pre-authorization to verify their billing details are valid. This $1 pre-authorization will fall off their bank statement within 24 hours.

Pre-Registration Reporting

  • From the Pages screen you'll notice Pre-Registrations listed on the page that has it enabled

  • Also, if you click the analytics icon you can also see a breakdown of pending revenue. If you were to complete all of the pre-registrations, they would no longer appear in those areas because they would now be completed registrations instead of pre-registration

Edit a pre-registration

  • Pre-registrations are able to be edited if needed prior to completing it. Editing a Pre-registration will update the final amount that will be charged

  • From the pages screen, click Registrations from the top menu bar

  • Search for the pre-registration you need to edit and click the pencil icon next to it

  • Make your necessary changes and click Save Changes once you make the edits, if you'd like to complete the registration (removing it from the pre-registered list) you can click Complete Registration

Complete Pre-Registrants

Pre-registered orders are able to be completed one-by-one or in bulk. You will be sent an email to notify you of which registrations completed and if any declined. If a registration declines, we will send the registrant an email with a link to update their card on file so they can update their billing information. Or, if they contact you, you can update their billing information in the system as well. Upon completing a pre-registration, the registrants card will be charged and their confirmation will be sent with the active QR code.

  • From the Pages tab, click Registrations from the top menu bar

  • Click on Pre-Registrations

  • There you can choose to complete registrations one by one or you can check all or check multiple to complete


Is Pre-Registration compatible with International currencies?

Pre-Registration is not currently available on pages processing in CAD, GBP, Euros or other international currencies.

Does this feature deduct inventory from registration, session and merchandise capacities, etc?

Yes, if you have limited capacity or supply limits set, a pre-registration order will deduct from the available inventory.

Example: Your event is selling 25 VIP spots and accepting Pre-Registrations only. The first 25 people to sign up for this VIP option will be pre-registered for it, selling it out. No one else would be able to pre-register for it.

How to cancel a Pre Registration order?

Canceling pre-registrations will free up inventory as well. To cancel a pre-registration, from the Pages screen, click Registrations from the top menu bar. Click the eye icon next to the order you'd like to cancel and click the Cancel button.

Switching back to live sales once the event is taking place, what to do?

Congrats! Your event is moving forward. What to do next?
1. Accept your pre-registration orders

2. Turn off the Pre Registration feature under page Settings > Pre Registration > Toggle Off.

3. Edit the billing settings > payment method > toggle on Allow Credit Card

4. Save and Publish.

5. Moving forward registrations will be charged at the time of purchase.

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