RegFox gives you the ability to enable Registration Transfers. If a registrant is unable to attend your event, this would give them the ability to transfer their registration to another person so they can get their money back. You can even charge a transfer fee if you'd like.
Enabling Registration Transfers also helps prevent you from having to field, "Can I get a refund?" questions. Here is how to enable Registration Transfers:
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Enable Registration Transfers
From the Pages screen, click the pencil icon on the page you'd like to enable Registration Transfers for
Hover your mouse over Settings and select Attendee Permissions from the drop down
Toggle Allow Registrant to Transfer Their Registration to Yes
Registration Transfer settings
You can set a date range for when registration transfers can take place. Leaving the date fields blank means transfers can take place any time.
Set a transfer fee if you'd like (this is optional). This can be either a fixed dollar amount or a percentage. Once the transfer takes place, the original registrant will be refunded their original registration amount minus this fee.
Lock registration options for transfers - This setting makes is so the new registrant is registered for the same registration option as the original registrant, they are unable to toggle to a new option in that field
Three ways to transfer registration
Admins can initiate transfers from a registration. Here is how:
Click Registrations from the top menu bar
Search for the registration you'd like to transfer and click the eye icon next to it
Click Transfer Registrant
Select the tickets you'd like to transfer and enter the info of the ticket buyer you'd like to transfer the tickets to and click Send Transfer Link button
This order will be given a Pending Transfer status until the transfer is completed
Registrants can initiate a transfer from your registration page without needing an account. You can enable this option by turning it on in the help navigation bar of your page.
Edit the header image of your page
Toggle on the Show Help Navigation
Toggle the Show the Transfer My Registration Link to on
Registrants can also transfer their registrations from inside their Registrant Account Center. Here is how you can enable it for them.
If I change the price of my registration, does the transfer recipient pay the old price or the new price?
If a registrant transfers their registration to another person, the recipient will pay the new price, the price the page is currently charging.
Can I cancel a pending transfer?
Yes, you can cancel a Pending Transfer.
From the Pages screen, click on Registrations from the top menu bar and search for the registration you'd like to cancel the pending transfer for
Click the eye icon next to that registration
Click the Edit Registrant button and you will be prompted to cancel the pending transfer
If an order has a Pending Transfer status, the transfer either needs to be completed or canceled in order to edit the order
NOTE: Transfers are automatically cancelled after 7 days if it has not been completed.
What does the registrant who is receiving transferred registration experience?
The person accepting the transfer will click the claim transfer hyperlink in an email.
Next, they will be routed to your event page where the system automatically selects the registration types being transferred. They can also purchase additional items that are available.
How do actions affect transfers?
When a registrant receives a transfer, when they go to purchase their registration, the page will reflect today's actions, not the date of the original registrant's purchase. If the registration option the original registrant signed up for is now hidden by an action, you would want to create a new action that shows it if you'd like the new registrant to select that same option.