The Ambassador Program is a fantastic way to transform your registrants into ambassadors for your event. Here's how:
The Ambassador Program can generate a unique link for each registrant that can be shared to spread the word about your event. You can set a dollar amount that the ambassador can earn for each registration sold through their link. Our system will keep track of each ambassador's sales and can credit each ambassador up to the amount of their original total. So in return for them spreading the word and getting people to register for your event, they can potentially earn back their original order amount and attend your event for free.
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Need to knows before you get started
Ambassador Program is currently only available in USD
Ambassadors can earn a refund up to their original total amount - The system system will continue to track sales above and beyond their original transaction amount which will allow you to reward them in whatever method is best for you, such as cutting a check, issuing a coupon code for a future event, or offering merchandise, etc.
Once payouts take place or the end date comes, the Ambassador program is over and cannot be restarted on that page
It is best practice to set the payout date to be after the event date, as once Ambassadors are paid out, it will prevent their registration from being canceled or refunded
The Ambassador Program is not compatible with Reserved Seating
Get started with setup
From the Pages screen, click the pencil icon on the page you'd like to turn the Ambassador Program on for
Hover your mouse over the Promote tab in the top navigation bar
Select Ambassador Program from the dropdown menu
Click the Start Program button
Ambassador Program settings
The How Much field is where you enter the dollar amount each redeemed ambassador code is worth for your ambassadors. For example, if you were to enter $5, your ambassador would receive a $5 credit back for each person they get to register using their link
The When? field is where you select the date and time the Ambassadors will be paid out
NOTE: Credit card companies tend to limit the allowable time period to 60-90 days for issuing credits (payouts) back to a registrant's credit card.
For example, if a registrant signed up for your event on January 1, the deadline to be able to issue a payout (issue a credit) back to that registrant's card would be the end of February. Any registrants who signed up prior to January 1 would need to be paid out manually via a check or gift card, merchandise, etc because the system wouldn't be able to credit back their credit card outside of that window of time.
Enrollment - You can select Voluntary Enrollment, or Auto Enroll
Voluntary Enrollment will display an option to enroll on the confirmation page and confirmation email where the registrant can click a button to enroll and generate a unique link
Auto Enroll - Registrants will automatically be enrolled into the Ambassador Program upon submitting their registration. Their unique link will automatically be generated and displayed on their confirmation page and in the confirmation email so they can start spreading the word immediately
This will not exceed the total cost of their billing amount.
How it will look if you have voluntary enrollment vs auto-enrollment
Customize the Ambassador Program messaging
Choose where you would like registrants to be notified of the Ambassador Program either on the Confirmation Page, Confirmation Email or both (we'd recommend both)
Click the Edit Message dropdown to customize the button text, the messaging of what the Ambassador Program is and the message once they enroll
Set the Friend Discount values
Set if you would like to issue a discount to those who register through an Ambassador link
Set the amount (if any). It can be a percentage or fixed dollar amount
Set if the discount expires on any particular date or time
Also specify if you would like the discount to only apply to certain fields. If no fields are set, the discount can be applied to any financial fields on your page
Pause or Edit Ambassador Program
To edit or pause or re-enable the Ambassador Program, hover your mouse over the Promote tab at the top of your builder
Select Ambassador Program from the drop down
Click the Edit or Enable or Pause buttons
NOTE: No new codes will be issued or redeemed while the Ambassador Program is paused. The Ambassador Program field will be removed from your page and the signup link will be removed from the confirmation. Payouts will still take place as scheduled.
Ambassador Reporting
Our Ambassador Program reporting can show you a detailed look into how the program is performing. See things such as how many Ambassadors you have signed up, how many people have registered through ambassador links, total revenue generated, the estimated payout amount, etc.
Here is how to view Ambassador Reports
From the Pages screen, hover your mouse over Reports in the top navigation bar
Select Ambassadors from the dropdown list
Click the eye icon next to the Ambassador Program you'd like to view a detailed report for
Here is where you can view the following:
Revenue generated by ambassadors
Number of registrations sold through ambassador links
Estimated payout amount
Automatic payout date
Status - Whether it is active or paused, etc
The program end date as well as the created date
โYou also can search for ambassadors
You also can follow the above steps to be able to search for ambassadors as well as sales that have taken place through ambassador links.
When viewing an Ambassador Report, you also can click the button to Email Ambassadors. This will take you to the Email Center to craft your email to those recipients. It will be $0.02 per recipient to send.
Q: Can I generate an ambassador link for someone who registered before I set the ambassador program live?
A: Yes, you can generate an Ambassador Program link for someone who already registered through the page prior to you enabling the Ambassador Program. Simply set the Ambassador Program to auto-enroll and publish the changes and resend the confirmation email to the registrant. It will include the link in their confirmation.
Q: My Ambassador Program ended. Am I able to restart it?
A: No, once an Ambassador Program ends, you are not able to restart it.